Big News: Forest Support is Blooming!

A Big Check for the Forest

It’s a big whopping deal to receive a 4.1 million dollar federal community grant, secured by Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill and Senator Cory Booker, to help fund the purchase of the Forest. 

We love the millions, but what moved us the most at the Earth Day celebration, organized by Sherrill’s office, was the turnout. 

Elected officials came from far and near, reminding us that so many towns passed resolutions to preserve the Forest. Leaders from environmental groups were there in force—Sierra Club, the Great Swamp Watershed Association, the League of Conservation Voters and many more.

The guest list was small due to security, but everyone receiving this email was there in our hearts. The Forest is not saved—there’a a lot more work to be done—but think how far we’ve come in three years. 

Treat yourself to the latest news here.

We need a crowd on May 20th — and your RSVP

Join us on Monday, May 20 and/or Tuesday May 21 to pack the courtroom and represent the forest! Morris County Court House RSVP

Where: Morris Superior Court at 10 Court Street, Morristown

When: May 20-21 from 9:30-4:30; Let us know when you can attend.

👉 Visit us and get more details at Madison Green & Clean environmental fair on Saturday April 27th from 9-12pm.

Flora emerge from the Forest floor

Fabulous ferns, golden ragwort, violets, a tulip tree seedling, mayapple, celandine poppy and trillium bring come to life from the forest floor.

Honoring Forest Advocate, Sue Collins

Friends of the Drew Forest were saddened to learn recently of the passing of a wonderful volunteer, Sue Collins, of Millington. Last summer, Sue contacted us offering to place 'Save the Drew Forest' lawn signs in her community. In all, Sue placed 20 signs, bringing attention to the Forest effort in her neighborhood and beyond. She also attended and spoke eloquently at public meetings, urging county policy makers to fund the Forest conservation effort. 

Friends of the Drew Forest extend our deepest sympathies to you, her friends, and to her family.

Friends of the Drew Forest

The Friends of the Drew Forest is a volunteer organization dedicated to protect and sustain the Drew Forest Preserve, 53 biodiverse acres that provide countless benefits to Drew University, Madison Borough and surrounding communities along with critical wildlife habit.

There's going to be a trial on May 20th.


EDITORIAL: Good news for Drew Forest